I had hoped for the last session I would be blessed with some lovely early morning light, but shortly after the 4am alarm call it became apparent it was to be another dreich Scottish morning. Nevertheless it was still a great morning, lots of Ospreys over the Loch, many of them younger birds following the adults to learn the fishing game.
The poor light meant all these images were shot at ISO 8000+, hence the quality, but it was just as thrilling to see the birds diving, catching the trout which will build their strength for their imminent migration to West Africa.

Gary. Once again you have excelled with these fantastic osprey images. I only hope I can obtain some shots next year of ospreys with fish.They certainly wont be anything like your magnificent results. What a memorable time you have had up in Aviemore this year. Roll on next spring when ospreyitis will be with us again.