The first sighting in the early morning gloom, a young stag
A hind appeared out of the reeds
she was followed by her youngster, born this year no doubt
This stag appeared for a short time out of the reeds, his breath rising in the early morning chill
A couple of stags appeared at the end of the far pool a good distance away and waded across before disappearing into the reeds again
The bigger of the two was a real big fella, with at least 13 points to his antlers, maybe 14
Then they both disappeared off into the reeds again
During the long periods between deer sightings, as well as watching the numerous Teal feeding outside the hide, there were still a lot of Dragon Flies active, not easy to follow with the long lens but managed to catch this one, but need some help identifying it?
Then it was time to head off but quickly called in at the coastal hides, the Eric Morecambe hide was very busy and once I got past all the tripods etc had a quick scout about.
There was a big flock of Godwits in the centre of the pool but closer in where Redshank and Greenshank
Quite a few Wigeon nearer in, just starting to come out of their eclipse plumage to their winter colours
Not many Egrets about, these were over the far side of the pool
Not as successful a visit as I had wanted but I shall return over the next couple of weeks when hopefully the Deer, especially the rutting stags are more visible, but still a great morning.
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