A couple of weeks ago Sharon and I were exhibiting at RSPB Conwy, although it was not a really busy day on the stand, outside it was a beautiful day and was great to have a wander around the reserve....
A few years ago a Little Egret sighting was a rarity, thankfully they are a common sight at many estuaries, stunning birds up close

there was a beautiful pair of Mute Swans feeding right outside the 'Lookout' where our exhibition was

On Saturday morning we returned to RSPB Burton Mere to hopefully see the Long Eared Owl that has recently taken up residence, unfortunately it has taken to roosting in a dense Hawthorn bush, although I couldn't get a clear view through to it, was quite pleased with what I got
Then it was on to Parkgate down on the Dee Estuary for the high tide due at lunchtime, at 10.3m this is a big tide that floods much of the salt marsh, pushing all the rodents in closer to land, bringing with it raptors such as Short Eared Owls and Kestrels, as well as all the waders pushed in by the tide.
No real keepers out of the camera, but still some nice record shots.
Short eared owl hunting along the tide line

Quite a few Kestrels about picking off fleeing rodents

the preverbial 'Drowned Rat' !!

we saw quite a few Water Rails flushed out by the incoming tide

I lost count of the number of Herons following the tide in for easy pickings

this little Water Vole one of the lucky ones that escaped the incoming tide

this little guy swimming for it

Sunday morning we had an early wander down the River Alyn hoping to see Dippers, and quickly found the resident pair, lots of courtship and displaying going on, a sure sign that Spring is just around the corner, as is the Snowdrops