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Portraits of Nature - My Website
My last trip out with the camera was one of my favourite sites, RSPB Leighton Moss. We had taken the long drive up to hopefully see the Otters and Marsh Harriers, and hopefully some of the Red Deer. Sadly we only got to see one of the three, but we had some great views of a Male Marsh Harrier and two females, not close enough for great Photos, but it was magical watching them hunt over the reed beds.

lost of flight action with the Greylag Geese

rarely get a chance to get Lapwing shots as they are rarely still, but this one posed nicely

Common and noisy, but I still love photographing Greylags

Lots of Black Headed Gulls, and lots of bickering going on

Another bird I really enjoy seeing in front of the camera are Pheasants, lots of lovely vibrant colours

Great Crested Grebe, just surfaced from a feeding dive

Cormorant perched a drying out

A great few hours spent up in Silverdale, whats next on the agenda.......Dippers!!