A stunning sunny day off and I had to stay in to await a delivery! so to get my birding photographic fix a morning in the garden was in order, and it was a delight to sit and watch the Blue Tits back and forth to the nest box in the conifers, watching the Goldfinchs jostle for a position on the sunflower heart feeder, and a flock of long tailed tits raiding the fat ball, but the highlight was a visit by a pair of bullfinchs, not a regular to my garden but very much appreciated. A really enjoyable morning, and perhaps I should do it more often. One dramatic event was an almighty commotion across the garden, a Sparrowhawk was trying to get at my canaries in the garden avairy, I was willing it to settle in the garden to get some pics, but when he realised he couldnt get at a canary snack he was off!
male Bullfinch, not often in my garden but a lovely sight.

As you may have seen in previous posts I get a lot of Goldfinchs visiting the garden feeders for the Sunflower hearts, I never tire of photographing these beautiful little birds.

A small flock of Long tailed Tits came down briely but only seemed interested in the fat feeder, once they had there fill they were off.

In all the time I was in the garden this Robin never moved from the top of the Polar tree, singing his heart out for long periods.

Lots of Greenfinchs about also today

The blue tits were as busy as ever, taking seeds from the feeder to feed on in the trees.

And finally if proof were needed that the planes were back up in the skies, this was one of the many jets that I guess was up at 30,000+ feet