Edited this post this morning (18th) two days after visiting Martin Mere, extract below is from the WWT Martin Mere website for the 17th, looks like I got my last visit in just in time as the Whoopers are now starting to leave.
American Wigeon on the Mere
17 March 2010
The drake American Wigeon spent most of the day with Eurasian Wigeon around the Mere.
Though difficult to assess accurately without being on the reserve early morning, there appeared to have been a sizable departure of Whooper Swans with perhaps as few as 500 for the afternoon feed.
Fifty seven Avocet were counted this morning. These birds have are starting to disperse around the reserve, although last year the favoured breeding spot was on Sunley's Marsh.
Female Merlin again in the afternoon.
Great to see the Whoopers again
3pm and its feeding time
Still plenty of Pink Footed Geese about
Whenever I go there is always a friendly Robin about
This one was really singing is heart out
Occasionally the light did improve, really highlighting the colours of this Pheasant
Reed Bunting
Lots of Shelduck about
My favourite duck, the Eider
And lastly, the very cute Spring lambs, complete with black socks!
Tracys final resting place, her ashes scattered at the top of Moel Fauma, looking across to Snowdon.